【Cooking Papa Relocation】 Order Online previous page next page Address:390 Swift Ave #13, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Call Us: (650) 763-1989 ©2021 Designed by Cooking Papa Team. Cooking Papa Privately Statement
Category: Our Donation
【Cooking Papa 通告】 Order Online previous page next page Address:390 Swift Ave #13, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Call Us: (650) 763-1989 ©2022 Designed by Cooking Papa Team. Cooking Papa Privately Statement
【Donation -2021-05】 With many people still struggling to get through this difficult time, we are trying our best to help more people. In the past two months, we have worked with #LifeMoves, #DowntownStreetsTeamFoodCloset, and #HomeFirst to donate food to people in need. Our colleagues were so glad to prepare wonderful delicious food for those organizations,
Our Donation All Event Thank you letter Our partner MORE Address:390 Swift Ave #13, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Call Us: (650) 763-1989 ©2022 Designed by Cooking Papa Team. Cooking Papa Privately Statement
【Donation -2021-01】 We have recently partnered with #DowntownStreetsTeamFoodCloset, #WeHope, #LiveMoves and #LoavesFishesFamilyKitchen on Donation.We are appreciative to these organizations for their continued support of the community. And thank our staffs for their selfless dedication.It’s a love of sun exposure in winter makes people in trouble feel the warmth of the world. Order Online previous page next page
Thanks to Our Partner ! To show our appreciation of the support from our partners and loyal customers, we are committed to give back. At Cooking Papa Team, we care about our neighborhoods that we call home. We care about the well-being of the people from our communities. We believe no one should go hungry
DONATION活動回顧-2020年8月 在過去的一個月裏,PAPA分別給Family Supportive Housing、Home First、CSA、We Hope、Hope’s Corner和Life Moves等機構捐贈了飯盒以及Party Tray。 十分感謝這些機構在這個困難的時期仍然能夠堅持為社區服務,PAPA的同事因為能夠參加到這次的捐贈工作中也感到非常開心~ Order Online previous page next page Address:390 Swift Ave #13, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Call Us: (650) 763-1989 ©2022 Designed by Cooking Papa Team. Cooking Papa Privately Statement
DONATION活動回顧-7月 近段時間疫情一直在變化,PAPA瞭解到Hope’s Corner一直在主動幫助社區,因此我們除了進行餐館的日常工作外,都聯繫了Hope’s Corner,進行了兩次捐贈,希望可以協助他們,盡我們的力量去幫助社區有需要的人。 非常感謝Hope’s Corner為社區提供的幫助,正因為有這樣的機構,才能讓更多人在疫情中獲得安心。️️ 最後,我們也希望疫情能儘快平穩,大家出門也要記得戴口罩並注意個人衛生哦~ Order Online previous page next page Address:390 Swift Ave #13, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Call Us: (650) 763-1989 ©2022 Designed by Cooking Papa Team. Cooking Papa Privately Statement
DONATION活動回顧-6月 疫情期間,由於人手緊缺,PAPA餐廳同事日常的工作都十分忙碌。但是,同事們在得知PAPA有幫助社區的計畫時,他們都十分積極地支持。 本月,我們利用餐館的空閒時間,捐贈了一些飯盒給Homefirst、CSA、Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen等機構。 這次能夠幫助到這些機構,同事們都感覺到非常開心,也希望能夠幫助到更多有需要的人,同時希望大家能喜歡PAPA提供的食物~ Order Online previous page next page Address:390 Swift Ave #13, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Call Us: (650) 763-1989 ©2022 Designed by Cooking Papa Team. Cooking Papa Privately Statement
DONATION活動回顧-5月 疫情期間,由於人手緊缺,PAPA餐廳同事日常的工作都十分忙碌。但是,同事們在得知PAPA有幫助社區的計畫時,他們都十分積極地支持。 正因為同事在繁忙的工作中抽出時間準備食物,PAPA才有機會在上週為Mountain View的兩個Shelter和CSA共捐贈了350份飯盒。PAPA在此十分感謝同事們的支持~ PAPA一直相信,只要每個人付出微小的努力,彙聚在一起,就可以為社區帶來一些幫助! Order Online previous page next page Facebook Instagram Wechat feedback@cookingpapa.us