【Cooking Papa Relocation】 Order Online previous page next page Address:390 Swift Ave #13, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Call Us: (650) 763-1989 ©2021 Designed by Cooking Papa Team. Cooking Papa Privately Statement
Category: News
【Cooking Papa 通告】 Order Online previous page next page Address:390 Swift Ave #13, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Call Us: (650) 763-1989 ©2022 Designed by Cooking Papa Team. Cooking Papa Privately Statement
【Donation -2021-05】 With many people still struggling to get through this difficult time, we are trying our best to help more people. In the past two months, we have worked with #LifeMoves, #DowntownStreetsTeamFoodCloset, and #HomeFirst to donate food to people in need. Our colleagues were so glad to prepare wonderful delicious food for those organizations,
聽說動動手指分享給朋友還可以賺更多積分;享更多優惠 !!! 這是Yamimeal平臺的一個特有功能~平時在PAPA店鋪消費後參與Share & Earn就能賺取相應的積分。所獲積分可於PAPA店鋪內下單抵扣菜品總金額(不限菜品)。
【PAPA年終總結】 ❤不知不覺PAPA又陪大家度過一年啦~這一年因為有大家的陪伴與支持,PAPA也達成了一系列的小目標~讓我們共同回顧一下吧! 在這裡祝大家新的一年裏身體健康,工作順利,家庭美滿~😆 Order Online previous page next page Address:390 Swift Ave #13, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Call Us: (650) 763-1989 ©2022 Designed by Cooking Papa Team. Cooking Papa Privately Statement
【請掃碼添加Papa微信號!】 加入微信福利群享專屬福利 Order Online Address:390 Swift Ave #13, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Call Us: (650) 763-1989 ©2022 Designed by Cooking Papa Team. Cooking Papa Privately Statement
疫情期間,PAPA一直在行動 在疫情期間 PAPA加大了捐贈力度,和灣區更多的機構合作 一起為灣區有需要的人提供了飯盒和Party Tray 我們也十分感謝同事們的積極參與! 同時,我們收到了來自機構的感謝信 PAPA的同事們看了都感到十分暖心 我們感謝這些機構在這個困難的時期 仍然能夠堅持為社區服務 同事們也十分開心能夠參與到其中~ Order Online previous page next page Address:390 Swift Ave #13, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Call Us: (650) 763-1989 ©2022 Designed by Cooking Papa Team. Cooking Papa Privately Statement
感謝信 ❤“For everything you have done, For everything you have given, Thank you.” ❤“For the delicious food, I sincerely appreciate your heart!” 本周,PAPA收到了一封來自Home First關於PAPA捐贈食物的感謝信!餐館的同事們看到這封信時都感覺到十分暖心!PAPA也很感謝這些機構能夠組織大家去幫助到更多有需要的人~ Order Online previous page next page Address:390 Swift Ave #13, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Call Us: (650) 763-1989 ©2022 Designed by Cooking Papa Team. Cooking Papa Privately Statement
疫情期間,PAPA會繼續為大家提供外賣服務!PAPA對食品安全問題會更加嚴格把關,做到把衛生、安全的美食送到每一位顧客手上!更多關於PAPA的外賣資訊與針對疫情政府提供的有限補貼信息,可點擊以下推文查看同時,PAPA也提醒大家注意衛生。祝大家身體健康! 閱讀原文 previous page next page Facebook Instagram Wechat feedback@cookingpapa.us
Our Promises Cooking Papa Team Our Promises To You: We deliver safe and local foods and drinks. We deliver our hospitality and welcome any advices for our service improving. We deliver our seasonal chef’s specials to refresh your taste buds. About Allergy: If you have food allergy, please let our server knows. Menu items may