【Cooking Papa 通告】 Order Online previous page next page Address:390 Swift Ave #13, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Call Us: (650) 763-1989 ©2022 Designed by Cooking Papa Team. Cooking Papa Privately Statement
Year: 2021
【Donation -2021-05】 With many people still struggling to get through this difficult time, we are trying our best to help more people. In the past two months, we have worked with #LifeMoves, #DowntownStreetsTeamFoodCloset, and #HomeFirst to donate food to people in need. Our colleagues were so glad to prepare wonderful delicious food for those organizations,
Our Donation All Event Thank you letter Our partner MORE Address:390 Swift Ave #13, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Call Us: (650) 763-1989 ©2022 Designed by Cooking Papa Team. Cooking Papa Privately Statement
聽說動動手指分享給朋友還可以賺更多積分;享更多優惠 !!! 這是Yamimeal平臺的一個特有功能~平時在PAPA店鋪消費後參與Share & Earn就能賺取相應的積分。所獲積分可於PAPA店鋪內下單抵扣菜品總金額(不限菜品)。
【脆皮燒鴨又來啦!】 PAPA極具香港特色的脆皮燒鴨,源自加州著名的傳統農場Pitman Duck,獨創獲過獎的健康5-Step飼養方式,每一口Pitman烤鴨,都匯聚了Pitman農場、Cooking Papa團隊希望食客吃得安全、健康的良苦用心。 由於是專供製作法式鴨胸使用的精選鴨種,具有油脂少、多肉的特點,所以師傅在烹飪過程中也需要特殊的配方和做法,經過巧手做成脆皮。新鮮出爐的港式Pitman烤鴨,外皮香酥美味,一口咬下去超脆超過癮!另外,脆皮下的鴨肉咸香可口,師傅特殊處理過的鴨肉,緊緊鎖住鴨汁,吃起來“啖啖肉,啖啖汁”,美味又營養。 雖然經過外送包裝,燒鴨的表皮會受到蒸汽水分影響脆度,但是搭配鴨汁和用“獨門配方”調製的酸梅醬食用,醬汁酸甜可口,鴨香味濃濃,碰撞出不一樣的脆皮燒鴨,搭配白米飯,美味又頂飽! 溫馨提示:由於Pitman鴨采用純天然的飼養方法,不添加任何激素,不同自然氣候環境會對鴨的生長有少許影響,從而導致鴨子大小會有參差不齊的情況,具體詳情可以瀏覽Pitman 鴨官網查看哦~ 了解詳情:請訪問www.cookingpapa.us Order Online previous page next page Address:390 Swift Ave #13, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Call Us: (650) 763-1989 ©2022 Designed by Cooking Papa Team. Cooking Papa Privately Statement
【Donation -2021-01】 We have recently partnered with #DowntownStreetsTeamFoodCloset, #WeHope, #LiveMoves and #LoavesFishesFamilyKitchen on Donation.We are appreciative to these organizations for their continued support of the community. And thank our staffs for their selfless dedication.It’s a love of sun exposure in winter makes people in trouble feel the warmth of the world. Order Online previous page next page
【乾炒牛河】 港式茶餐廳怎麼可以少了鍋氣十足的乾炒牛河呢? 乾炒牛河是廣東的特色傳統美食之一,別看在廣東大街小巷的餐館裏都有乾炒牛河,它一向都是最考驗廣東廚師炒菜技術的!PAPA這道乾炒牛河美味又安全!PAPA選用本地農場用純天然穀物飼養的牛肉、來自本地農場無公害的豆芽以及由安全可靠的生產商提供的靚河粉,每一份乾炒牛河的出品都有保證。牛肉要先在鍋內拉油,讓油鎖住牛肉本身的鮮味,PAPA師傅準確把控火候,牛肉不會太韌,入口也十分鮮嫩。這時再另一起鍋,將河粉放入鍋中不停翻炒,這一步全靠師傅的腕力,在不斷顛勺的過程中,河粉能夠和空氣充分接觸,又不會有一條斷裂;而PAPA的師傅在炒粉過程中會控油,這樣炒出來的河粉不會過油,也不會由於乾身而變焦。然後加入醬油調味,用老抽“上色”;再放入蔥段、洋蔥絲、芽菜和韭黃,最後倒入先前炒好的牛肉快速翻炒。這樣,一碟鍋氣逼人、色味均勻、通體乾身、爽滑而嫩的乾炒牛河就出爐啦!一碟好吃的乾炒牛河,牛肉嫩滑,河粉軟嫩,豆芽爽脆,多層次的口感吃起來更帶勁!一上菜就鮮香四溢,讓人忍不住食指大動~喜歡吃辣的朋友還可以加上蒜蓉辣椒醬,和乾炒牛河搭配也別有一番風味呢~ Order Online previous page next page Address:390 Swift Ave #13, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Call Us: (650) 763-1989 ©2022 Designed by Cooking Papa Team. Cooking Papa Privately Statement
Thanks to Our Partner ! To show our appreciation of the support from our partners and loyal customers, we are committed to give back. At Cooking Papa Team, we care about our neighborhoods that we call home. We care about the well-being of the people from our communities. We believe no one should go hungry